Beware Of The Master Writing Jobs Scam! | Online Jedis

Beware Of The Master Writing Jobs Scam!

The Master Writing Jobs Scam

I don’t yell “Scam!” easily, but today I have to warn you about the Master Writing Jobs Scam!

If you have come across their “great offer” and had a feeling that it has to be too good to be true, you were right!

In the following article, I will explain in detail, why you should not pay for this product!

What Is Master Writing Jobs About?

The offer claims that you can make between $2,000 and $10,000 a month after joining them.
It is even said that you will receive your first payment within 30 minutes after joining!

Master Writing Jobs Scam Homepage

Master Writing Jobs Scam Homepage

All you have to do is pay them a one-time fee of $35 and then you gain access to huge amounts of writing jobs that pay up to $125 for one 500 words article!
Wait! $125 for one article with only 500 words?
Wow, if it’s that easy I would just write two articles every day and quit all my other online businesses!
I easily can write an article of that length in 30-60 minutes!

Master Writing Jobs Creates Hype With High Job Offers

Master Writing Jobs Creates Hype With High Job Offers

Of course, this is just a poor attempt to generate hype and close the sale quickly.
There is no way that you get such a job just by paying those $35 to get access to writing jobs.

Can you make money writing articles for others?
You sure can, but if you want to get paid that much for one article, you better have a decent portfolio and a well-known name.

Sick Of This Scam? Click Here To Read About A Real Opportunity!

How Can You See That Master Writing Jobs Is A Scam?

There are quite a few things that ring all my alarm bells!

1. The site promises to make money within 30 minutes!

True, if you read the fine print those promises get relativized.
In the FAQ and “earnings disclaimer” they tell you, that you have to work hard and that they don’t guarantee anything.But they do hope, of course, that you only watch the video and then sign up directly.

But they do hope, of course, that you only watch the video and then sign up directly.
And many will do just that!
There are still too many people, who believe anything they see online.
That’s why scams are still so successful.

Don’t fall for those scams!

2. You get a lot of pressure to join quickly!

Once you get to the site and the video starts, a timer appears on the right side.

Master Writing Jobs Timer Creates Pressure

Master Writing Jobs Timer Creates Pressure

This timer makes visitors belief, that there are only a limited amount of places left! It counts down and, conveniently, stops at 3 once the video has finished.
Most people will now sign up quickly because they think that they will lose their chance if they wait too long.

Don’t believe in those counters!
They are not real. They are a marketing tool that pushes people to make rash decisions before thinking too much about it.
I loaded the same page in another browser and the counter started again from the beginning and stopped at 3!
It will do this every time.

A clear sign of a scam!

3. 50% discount for a limited time!

Master Writing Jobs Fake Limited Offer

Master Writing Jobs Fake Limited Offer

It’s exactly the same with this “discount”. The site claims that you get a discount when you join within the displayed time.
It is complete nonsense!
You will always have to pay the $34 USD. The price will never go up to $68.
Again, it’s just a marketing trick to make you believe that you get something cheaper (actually it is way too expensive).

4. Bonus tools worth $3000 USD!

Someone really used all the tricks online marketers have up their sleeves. If you are on a marketing list for “make money online” products, you will get those almost every day.
Shiny products that are loaded with incredible bonuses!

99% of those offers are scams!
They just want to sell their product that won’t make you a single dime.

It’s the same here.
All those “cool tools” are either crap or free anyways.

Whenever someone has to make his offer look better by adding loads of bonuses, be careful! It is most likely a scam!

5. Fake endorsements!

At the bottom of the site, you see that the Master Writing Jobs website has (supposedly) been featured on Forbes and other high profile platforms.
Why then couldn’t I find anything about that? Shouldn’t it be rather easy to find it by using Google and typing in Forbes and Master Writing Jobs?
Because it is not true!

Fake Endorsements

Fake Endorsements

Remember, those endorsements are very often fake!

6. 60 days refund!

Master Writing Jobs Recap

Master Writing Jobs Recap

That’s another common trick to sell a product that is really not worth it.
You give the buyer a piece of mind by telling them that they can get their money back easily.
Just contact their support and you will get your money back.

There is a catch, however.
When you listen closely, you will hear that you will get your money back, if you don’t find new jobs posted every single day!
They don’t say that you will get your money back if you are unhappy with the service!

It is super easy for them to post new offers every day.
So no matter how hard you try, they don’t have to give you the money back.

Additionally, the price for their service is relatively low.
Most people will not bother with trying to get the money back. They will just forget about it!

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What You Get Once You Have Paid For Your Membership

Let’s say you are still not convinced that Master Writing Jobs is a scam and want to join.

Once you are in the membership area you are welcomed by their dashboard.
Go to writing jobs and you will see all the offers. (You will have a hard time finding those $125 offers.)

You will also notice, that they all link to jobs on other sites!
Sounds suspicious?

All Master Writing Jobs does is to send you to offers on other sites.
Why did we pay money for the membership again?
Couldn’t I just go on Google and find those offers myself?

Yes, you could and should!
All the writing jobs are available online, free of charge!

All the writing jobs are available online, free of charge

Don’t pay for information you can get easily for free!

I have another suspicion:
In the video on their sales page, they claim that they have new offers every day.
I highly doubt that someone puts them up manually. It is more likely that they are using a bot that “scrapes” those job sites and puts them on the membership site automatically!

That is not illegal but it is still very scammy. Especially when someone pays money for this “service”!
If you don’t know what “scraping is”:
Scraping is a method where you have a program (bot) that visits a targeted site, copies content from it and puts it on your own site.
Again, in most cases, this is not illegal but it actually can break the copyright law.
Even if it’s not illegal it is a big red warning sign for me!

My Final Conclusion And Recommendation

Yes, Master Writing Jobs is a scam and I truly mean it.
They build up huge expectations and then offer jobs you could have found without their help, too.

Additionally, I couldn’t find anything about the supposed founder, James A. Jeffries.
He claims to be a journalist who worked for a big publisher before he quit his job to become self-employed.
It is funny that there is a journalist with a very similar name, James Jeffrey.
Another coincidence? I think not! It is more likely just another trick so that people confuse him with the real journalist!

I highly recommend staying away from Master Writing Jobs!

It is a scam and you won’t get any real value for your money!

If you want to make money by writing articles, go to job sites like,,, just to name a few. All of those sites are well-known and legit!

A Better Way Of Making Money Online?

A Better Way Of Making Money Online

Instead of writing for others, why not writing for yourself?

I understand why some people want to make some extra money that can be made quickly.
But what if you could just do the same and make much more money after a while?
Wouldn’t that be great?

Well, I can show you how to achieve this exactly.
It is what I am doing and it is the perfect lifestyle in my opinion!

All you need is a website and the knowledge of how to build your very own online business.

You don’t have that knowledge?

Don’t worry, I am here to help you:

Learn How To Build Your Online Business From Scratch!

Let Me Know What You Think

How do you feel about the Master Writing Jobs Scam?
Have you fallen for it or were you researching about it?

Are you making a living by writing articles?

Leave me a comment below and I will get back to you as fast as I can.

All the best,

Leave a Comment:

NemiraB says April 10, 2017

Hi, thanks for eye opener. Plenty if people can be tempted to try this offer because there are plenty of people who are desperate and easy believe into get rich fast schemes.
Everything that sounds to good asks for checking twice before paying money.
I think that can be plenty of problems getting money back. This company can sell your email address and name to other third parties.
Thanks for exposing these guys. You will save money for others who do not have experience as you do in online business . All the best, Nemira.

    Moritz says April 11, 2017

    Hello Nemira,

    you bring up some really good points.
    Especially about the email addresses. Even if they don’t sell them, they could use them for email marketing and try to sell even more scammy products!

    The funny thing is that they claim that this is not a “get rich fast scheme”. But why do they advertise it in this way then? Why give the expectation that you will make money within 30 minutes?

    I hope enough people read my article and stay away from this scam.


Maylenna says August 25, 2017

Thank goodness I researched this Master Writing Jobs thing before signing up! (I didn’t, by the way) It really did sound too good to be true. I looked at their Facebook page, it’s basically nothing. I went to the “introduction video” on the site and was contemplating signing up. Thank you for writing this article, it gave a clear and elaborate breakdown of what this “company” was really offering.

And to answer your question at the end, I am not writing articles. I am looking for a future in writing and was hoping something would come of my online job searches for writing jobs.

With regards,

    Moritz says August 26, 2017

    Hello May,

    I am very glad that you did your research before joining Master Writing Jobs.
    Too many people don’t do that and waste their money and get nothing in return.

    You can make money by writing for yourself! Why use your writing skills to make money for others?
    Build your own online business and make much more money that way.

    If you don’t know how to get started, read my article how I made this dream come true.

    Best regards,

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