Best Money Making Ideas | Online Jedis

Best Money Making Ideas

On my website, Online Jedis, I share with you the best money making ideas that everyone can use.

There is literally an unlimited number of ways you can earn money from, but finding the right one proofs to be difficult.

That is the sole purpose of this site! Helping you to create your own business and to be your own boss.

best money making ideas

My Top 3 Ways Of Earning Money

As a student or generally on a low budget it is important to find a way of making money, without having to spend too much upfront.
We don’t just have a million dollars to get the business rolling. No, we need something else.
That’s why the ways I am going to show you are either for free or only need a very small investment.

(1) Build An Online Business

My all-time favorite! That is what I love doing the most!

Do you have an interested? A hobby?
Why not take this and build a business around it? No matter what it is, you can make money from it.
What you need to do is the following:

(a) Learn how to build a website
(b) Drive traffic to it using mainly SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
(c) Build trust and help your audience
(d) Make Money

You can do all this without spending any money! It can help to spend a little, though, but that is not mandatory.
I will talk more about this on my site but…

You Can Get Started For Free Right Now

(2) Write A Book

That might sound scary but is actually much easier than you’d think. I am not talking about a novel with hundreds of pages. No, I am talking about a guide.
It doesn’t need to be very long. Most important is, that it is helpful and written naturally.

Don’t worry, I will go more into detail about this soon.

How much does it cost to write and publish a book?
If you do everything by yourself, it won’t cost you anything!

I will show you how to publish a book completely for free.
Stay tuned…

(3) Make Youtube Videos

You know it….I know it:
There are a few lucky people who earn thousands of dollars every month. Many of them are “just playing” games and millions of people are actually watching that. The YouTubers make money then from ads that are displayed in their videos.
Isn’t that insane to make money like that?

To make money on Youtube, you don’t need to become a gamer, if you aren’t already.
You can take any interest and transform it into a successful Youtube business.

Sounds like fun?
Learn more about Youtube marketing here.

I can make money online

Combine These 3 Ideas For Maximum Effect

All these ideas work separately very well. But what if we combine them? You can get an incredible momentum and really build a huge online business then!

It all starts small though and most importantly: It Takes Time!

If you can’t spend a good amount of time to build your business, you will get nowhere. You will need training and knowledge. Then you need to take action and put that knowledge to good use.
The quickest way of those ways is to write a book. This can be done rather quickly, but it usually won’t make you the Big Money. It’s more like some nice extra pocket money.

Getting Started And More To Come

There are way more money making ideas and I will introduce more to you down the road.
For now, I want to to get started here.

I will update this page regularly when I wrote a new must-read training!
Keep your eyes open for that.

Is there anything you would like to ask me right now, or do you know other great ways of making money?
Drop me a line in the comments below or contact me privately.

I am looking forward to talking to you!

Your friend

Leave a Comment:

Margaret says August 14, 2016

Your post has laid it all out clearly and simply. I think young people who have cut their teeth on computers and have true in depth knowledge of how they work and what they can do are the ones who will get the most out of your ideas. Even though the young ones might get there faster I think even the oldies like myself can succeed. It just takes us a little longer as we were not born knowing what the kids of today know. What do you think?

    Moritz says August 14, 2016

    Hello Margaret.
    Thank you so much for your kind words. I think that you are right that making money with a computer might be a bit easier for younger folks. But you are also right by saying, that really everybody can get there. It doesn’t matter that much how old someone is!
    It is more important how determined someone is to reach his goals.
    People just need to get started and then stick with it. Success will come!

stefan says August 14, 2016

Hi Moritz

I think combining those three strategies and promote products as an affiliate can really turn into a full time income.

I am still very hesitant to create youtube videos. English is not my first language and I am not a good speaker. lol

I know another great way to make money from home. Selling products on amazon can also be a good option.

Is it very difficult to create a profitable website? It would be the best strategy to have total freedom for me!

Thanks for your help

    Moritz says August 15, 2016

    Hi Stefan,
    don’t be afraid to create videos for Youtube. You don’t even need to be seen on those videos, if that would make you uncomfortable.
    There are different ways of being successful on Youtube and I will talk about some in the upcoming days and weeks.

    Affiliate marketing or selling directly on a platform like Amazon is definitely a great idea.
    I still think that knowing how to build a website is very important and everybody who wants to build a business should do it.

    If you want an example of a website that combines those three ideas, check out my archery site.

    Have a great day!

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