In this article, I am going to show you how to make a free website fast and easy.
And when I say fast, I mean fast!
It takes only about 30 seconds to create a website!
And it is 100% free!
A few years ago, I was very unhappy with my job (teaching kids) and wanted to change my life. Online marketing was big back then already, so I wanted to learn how to make websites.
It was a real pain!
I had to learn HTML, PHP, CSS, etc. and it took days to create a decent looking website!
If you are going through the same difficulties, you have to keep on reading!
About two years ago I found a fantastic alternative which enables me to build websites within seconds.
It doesn’t really matter why you need a website.
All that matters is that you have a message or a product you want so get out there.
You must have a website for that!
Want to know how I build websites nowadays?
Let’s get straight to it:
Your Professional Website In Three Steps
First, you have to create a free account for the website builder here:
Before even creating that account, you can check if your desired domain name is still available.
Once you have created your account, you will see the following:

As you can see, you have several choices.
If you already own a domain, you can use it to build your website.
You can also buy a domain first and then proceed with the builder.
We, however, choose the free option, because that’s what my article is about, right?
Step 1 – Choose your domain name:
Now it is time to choose a domain name. See what name I chose for this tutorial:

The builder automatically checks if the name is still available or not.
Note, that the 100% free option adds “.siterubix.com” at the end of your domain name.
That’s absolutely no problem. Especially, if you are building a new site.
Later, when your site gets bigger, I’d recommend buying your own domain name, without the “siterubix”.
Step 2 – Choose your website title:
Once you have settled on a website domain, it is time for the title:

Unlike the domain name, you can change the title later as often as you wish.
It is recommended that your title is the same as the domain, though.
Take your time when deciding on your domain name and title. It is important that they are easy to remember and not too long.
Step 3 – Choose your website theme:
Last but not least, you have to choose the initial look of your website:

There are literally thousands of themes you can choose from.
Before choosing, you can watch a demo to get a better idea of what your website will look like.
Don’t worry, most themes are very customizable. And you will choose and upload your own images later.
That way, no website really looks like another site, even if you are using the same theme.
In my example, I chose the “OMEGA” theme.
It is the same theme as the website you are looking at right now is using.
I like simple and basic themes because they don’t distract my visitors (you) from the most important thing: my content!
After you have made up your mind about the theme, just hit the “Build my website” button and wait while it is performing its magic.
It really won’t take much longer than 30 seconds (it is usually faster).
Check Out Your New Website Immediately
After those few seconds, your site is already up and ready.
It is live immediately.
The Siterubix platform has a very nice overview of the stats of your site:

You can check my new site here.
Of course, it doesn’t have content or images yet.
You will still have to fill it with that yourself.
I only created this website to demonstrate how easy it is. I am not planning to write content for it.
But do you realize how powerful SiteRubix is?
What took me days to do by myself a few years ago, takes only seconds now!
Writing content for sites is actually a lot of fun. The thing that was cumbersome, was creating the framework of those sites!
Whenever I need a website now, I build it there.
I highly doubt that you can find a faster and more efficient way for that anywhere else!
Your Benefits When Building Websites With SiteRubix
SiteRubix is part of the online training platform Wealthy Affiliate.
So, while you are already there, I would take the chance and have a good look around.
The knowledge you can gain there is worth a fortune.
If you are only interested in the free websites, that’s absolutely fine.
You can use them as long as you want (don’t worry about that countdown at the top of the site).
Let’s take a look at what SiteRubix has in store for you:
- 2 completely free websites
- integrated spam protection for your websites (no anti-spam plugin required)
- free basic training about how to start an online business
- access to thousands of like-minded online marketers (beginners and pros)
You get all this for free.
And believe me, the training itself is already fantastic!
It is perfect to get you started.
If that’s enough for you, that’s absolutely ok.If one day, you decide you want more, you can take a look at what else
If, one day, you decide you want more, you can take a look at what else SiteRubix and Wealthy Affiliate have to offer.
Now It Is Your Turn To Build Your Own Website For Free
Just choose your domain name below and start building your website:
What Do You Think About The Way I Build Websites?
That is a question that really interests me.
How were you building your sites before and what do you think about my way?
Have you ever been wondering about how to make a free website?
Did you imagine that it was that easy?
Tell me in the comments and I will be happy to discuss everything related to this topic with you.
All the best wishes,