Blogging Guru Review - Can It Keep Its Promises? | Online Jedis

Blogging Guru Review – Can It Keep Its Promises?

  • May 5, 2017

Blogging Guru Review Can It Keep Its Promises

There are many “gurus” out there that can’t live up to my expectations.
Today, in my Blogging Guru Review, I am revealing a program that actually works.
Read on and make your own decision about it:

A Quick Overview

Name: Blogging Guru
What Is It: Training about how to create and monetize a blog
Who Is It For: Absolute beginners
Price: $47 (+2 upsells for $47 each)
Scam/Legit: Legit
Recommended: Yes

Summary: Blogging Guru surprised me with its honesty and sufficiency. Its training and tools are laid out very well.
If you are a complete beginner and finally want to start making money online, Blogging Guru is for you!

To get the most out of it, you should get the 2 upsells, too.
You can make it without them, but they definitely make things easier.

Blogging Guru is not a scam. It isn’t perfect either. But if you don’t want to join a membership site, where you have to pay a monthly subscription, this is a great start!

Get It Here Now!

What Does Blogging Guru Teach?

What Does Blogging Guru Teach

First, Blogging Guru teaches how you can set up a WordPress blog.
You will also have to buy a domain and hosting.
It is straightforward and easy to follow.
If you have some previous knowledge of WordPress, it will be even easier and faster.

After setting up the blog, Blogging Guru shows you how you can monetize it.
It dives into affiliate marketing and ads.
I highly recommend going down the affiliate route, as you can make money with that much faster.
If you want to make money from ads, you will need much more traffic!

At last, you will learn how to drive traffic to your blog.
I really liked, that he shows you how you can get free traffic!
This absolutely surprised me!
Many courses rely on paid traffic nowadays.
Seeing a course that teaches free ways of getting traffic is awesome!

So, all in all, this course is a three step plan:

  1. Build a Website
  2. Monetize the Website
  3. Get Traffic and Make Sales

Is The Training Effective?

The training is laid out very well and is effective.
It suits complete beginners, but if you have at least a little bit experience, it is even better.
You won’t struggle with building your site then and can get down to the things that matter the most:
Content, monetization, and traffic.

Can You Really Make Money With Blogging Guru?

Can You Really Make Money With Blogging Guru

Absolutely yes!

Everything that is taught there is the real deal!
I am using the exact same strategies to make money on some of my websites!
(I think I should sell my own course on this one day!)

Just don’t expect that you will make the promised $1000-$5000 USD in your first month.
The taught formula can only give you such results if you take action and follow the training.

No pain no gain!
No work no money!

Are you an action taker?

Then Get Instant Access Here For $47

Pros And Cons Of Blogging Guru

Here’s a quick list of what I really like about Blogging Guru:

  • Step-by-step training that explains everything you need to know
  • A formula that really works
  • Realistic expectations and no false promises
  • Easy to understand
  • Easy to follow

There are, however, a few negative things:

  • If you have specific questions there is nobody who can answer them
  • Without the buying the upsells, your road to success will be much harder

All in all, it is a great course I can recommend without feeling bad about it.
And if you have read other reviews of mine, you know that I don’t say that easily.

There are hardly any products I recommend easily!

Is Blogging Guru As Good As Wealthy Affiliate?

Is Blogging Guru As Good As Wealthy Affiliate

In most cases, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to beginners.
It is the platform that taught me everything to become successful online myself.
It has hundreds of hours of video training and it goes into much more detail than Blogging Guru.

However, Wealthy Affiliate has a monthly subscription fee of $49 USD.
For some, this is just too much.

I absolutely understand that!

That’s why I was looking for an alternative and I finally found it!

For me, Blogging Guru comes second after Wealthy Affiliate, but it is still a fantastic course.
It is a complete training about how to make money with a blog.

If you are afraid to spend the money on this course, don’t worry, you have a 60 days money back guarantee.
Something you don’t get at Wealthy Affiliate!

My Final Verdict

It is clear by now, that Blogging Guru won me over.
Every beginner, who doesn’t want to spend the monthly subscription fee of Wealthy Affiliate, should get started with Blogging Guru.

You get a high-quality product for your money that can help you to make $1000-$5000 a month in a relatively short time.
It is honest enough to tell you that you have to put in the work yourself!
(Many other marketers don’t tell you the truth about that!)
They give you the tools and knowledge, but you have to use them!

Do I recommend starting with Blogging Guru?
Oh yes! I do!

Blogging Guru Banner

It’s Your Turn Now!

I have given you my honest opinion about this product in my Blogging Guru Review!
And I can tell you, it was not easy for me to recommend a product that is not Wealthy Affiliate.

But if a product can convince me, I will not deny its worth!
My goal here is to make you successful, too!

Now, you have to take action!
I can’t do all the work for you! All I can do is give you valuable information.
Take this information and knowledge and use it!

So, what do you think?
Will you give Blogging Guru a try?

Let me know in the comments below!

I am looking forward to reading your success stories.

All the best,

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