I am Moritz, Online Jedi Master and your guide through the vast forest of possibilities and false promises, many people refer to as the Internet.
While I have a job I absolutely love, there is something many people don’t know about me: 
I fight for the light side of the force!
In other words: I own a legit and genuine online business that creates a nice little extra income every month.
Thanks to an amazing group of online marketing professionals, I learned the tricks of the trade within only a few months and it is such an awesome feeling.
More to that group later.
Grab this opportunity
When I started about 2 years ago with online marketing, I didn’t know anything about it.
All I knew was some coding and how to build websites. (Turned out I didn’t know that much about that either!)
Like many others, I fell for many scams and lost quite a bit of money without ever earning anything.
My problem was, that I wasn’t trying hard enough. I thought that I could do this without real work and without real knowledge.
Let me tell you that none of those “earn money quick” schemes work. They are all scams! That’s what the dark side wants you to believe!
What I needed was a place where real experts (I call them Jedi Masters) teach their tricks and share their knowledge openly.
But where can I find this place?
Who would be so insane to share his secrets and strategies with other people?
There is such a group and it is fantastic. All I know now, I have learned there.
They helped me to earn a steady income online, additionally to my job.
I explain everything in detail here.
I love traveling and spoiling my wife
The money I make in my regular job is more than enough to pay all the bills and save some money.
But the extra money I earn online enables me to travel all around the world and buy my wife some nice things now and then.
I am not a millionaire, but I live a happy life without having to worry about money.
If I didn’t like my job, I could easily quit it and still wouldn’t have to worry.
That is real freedom!
Doing just what you like to do. Enjoying your life!
If you are like me, don’t miss this chance
The place where I learned all this is called Wealthy Affiliate.
No strings attached. You can start building your business right away.
There are loads of helpful people there, including me, that will help you with anything related to online marketing.
Again, I am Moritz. I am happy to meet you and if you need any help, feel free to contact me.
Drop me a comment below or get in touch with me via WealthyAffiliate (here is a link to my profile).
Your friend,

Chillin’ at the beach (Kenting, TW)